Monday, May 12, 2008

O.J. Mayo gets caught up

In this April 17, 2008 file photo, University of Southern California freshman basketball player O.J. Mayo, who announced on April 9 that he was declaring for the 2008 NBA Draft, smiles during a news conference at the USC Galen Center in Los Angeles. A former friend of Mayo has alleged that Mayo violated NCAA rules by accepting tens of thousands of dollars in cash and benefits from an L.A. events promoter.
Recently, a former associate of USC Trojans star guard/NBA prospect O.J. Mayo has reported that Mayo has received thousands of dollars in money, clothes, and other benefits since his high school years and his first year at USC.  He was supplied with money from a sports agent named Rodney Guillory, who works for BDA (Billy Duff Asssociates).  
O.J. was given these benefits only if he said he would sign with BDA once he turns pro.  Mayo signed with BDA the day after he decided to go pro. Mayo was given at least $30,000 in gifts and money while in high school and in college.  This situation was brought up on ESPN's "Outside the Lines."  Pac-10 and NCAA reviewed Mayo's status during and before he got to USC and claimed they haven't identify any amateurism.  
That's all I have on this reports but if anything comes up about O.J. Mayo, i will keep you posted.


dajuan11 said...

T: connects to the concept
O: there are no opinions but all facts
W: there are no errors made in content
E: all elements are

Jillesa said...


That is ashame of what people are still doing just to have a number player with them. It also prove that money can make people do crazy things